Wednesday, 14 October 2009

[Critical Investigation and linked production homework]

[•][•][•]Critical Investigation and linked production homework[•][•][•]

[•] Task: Select one critical production and linked production from the post it notes given to you during the lesson and rewrite the ideas in as much detail as you can. Select 5 keywords from the glossary which are relevant to the titles and explain how each word links in to the chosen titles.

Critical investigation title Looking at female representations in American Hip-hop music videos.
Linked Production title Creating a magazine article on a new album releasing with images of females and there stereotypical representation within the text.

[•] 5 Key words relating to Case study:

Binary Opposition: Binary opposition a term used by Claude Levi-Strauss that describes a pair of theoretical opposites. Binary oppostitions show that a narrative is structured around oppositional elements of human culture. For example: Good 'vs' Bad, Dark 'vs' Light, Feminie 'vs' Masculine, Old 'vs' new, etc.

Male Gaze: This is the term used by Laura Mulvey in her essay 'Visual Pleasures and Narrative Cinema' (1975), saying that sexism exists not only in the content of a text, but may also exist in how the text is presented. Theorists note the degree to which people gaze at women in advertisements that "sexualizes" a woman's body even when the woman's body is unrelated to the advertised product.

Sexism: Is the term a term coined in the mid-20th century used to describe the representations that discriminate on the basis of sex, especially against women, which is seen to derive from and sustain patriachy.

Patriarchy: Patriarchy refers to the role of men in society more generally where men take primary responsibility over the welfare of the community as a whole. This authority often includes acting as the dominant figures in social, economic, and political procedures. In simplier terms patriarchy describes male dominance in society.

Representation: a process whereby the media construct versions of individuals or groups in images, words or sounds in media text to an audience. Representations follow a paradigm in that they follow a framework of values and beliefs, which lead to steroetyping individuals or collectives with regards to their gender, social class, ethicity, etc.

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