Monday, 15 February 2010

Evaluation of "WWW" and "EBI" for presentation

Evaluation of "WWW" and "EBI" for Pitch: 4 Magazine articles plus a front cover

What Went Well?

Overall our presentation went quite well in terms of giving a clear over view of our idea by using a brainstorm to outline what our magazine will consist. Also, there was a range of media terminology used appropriate to our text such as, "tagline" and "price sensitive" and the institutional research was thorough and usefully applied to our production. Furthermore, there was some reference made to the audience theory of Uses and Gratification, where we distinguished how our audience will be able to identify with our product. Finally, our presentation slides were clear and well designed.

Even Better If...

Though, our presentation was significant and well structured it could be improved to make it even more effective. Some of the ways in which we could improve our presenatation and presenational skills is by having key words, rather than full sentences to trigger our main points. Also, revise key terms such as 'Masthead' so that our presentation covers a whole range of key media terminologies. Furthermore, we could have mentioned psychographics in deeper depth along with circulation fiugures for other leading publishers, such as; Closer, Heat, OK and Star.

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